Spiritual Development

Each Christian’s life is a personal journey with God that He uniquely forms and informs in His living will

Seeds do not strain or struggle to grow. All that is required of them is to die as seeds and receive all they need for their new life (John 12:24)

When God’s will is not conforming to our will, He is working in us to conform our will to His

Spiritual Development

Spiritual development is the maturing of our spirit in the context of our chosen faith. Each faith requires its own conditions to mature. The Christian faith can be simply defined as a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. A Christian's growth depends on that relationship with God to be made whole and complete 

Although God is always with us, we can often be insensitive to His presence. God wants us to know He is continually with us. That is why Jesus tells us to abide in Him as a branch always abides in its vine (John 15:4). God wants us to live in His continual involvement with us so that His life can be a blessing in us and through us

God’s life in us is compared to a simple, unassuming seed (1 Peter 1:23) that God grows (1 Corinthians 3:6-7). Seeds have barely any value when they are just seeds. Their true value is realized when they break open and slough off their coat. Certain conditions are needed to grow the seeds' potential, such as being planted in the ground and exposed to air, sun, water and the earth’s nutrients

The earth’s seeds reflect much of the simple nature of God’s life of grace. We are God’s seeds, planted in the loins of Jesus (Romans 5:15) to die in His death and live in His life. It is in our eternal position in Jesus that God’s life breaks us open and grows us. We are exhorted to be firmly grounded in Him (Colossians 2:7; 2 Corinthians 1:24), firm in God’s grace (1 Peter 5:12), standing firm in Him (Galatians 5:1; Romans 11:20; Ephesians 6:14; 1 Peter 5:12) until the end (Matthew 24:13). God grows us by rooting us in Jesus. Our firm grounding in God is His chosen position for us, to bear His fruit 

We live securely in God when we know and trust His ways. But God’s ways are holy, different from our ways. It is difficult to persevere in God’s ways when they conflict with ours. How do we accept suffering from God’s hand? How do we pull free from the demands of each day and turn to God who calls us to wait on Him? How do we live each day’s complexities in the simplicity of God’s gospel? These and many other questions provide opportunities to explore our rich Christian faith and seek God’s answers. The Educational Courses I taught attempted to do just that. These courses focused on hearing God and practically applying important Christian realities such as love, acceptance, change, freedom and God’s rest. I am not offering courses now, but I am leaving them on my website for those who might be interested in incorporating any aspects of them in their therapy  

Another way of fostering spiritual development is with bibliotherapy, with books. In 2020 I self-published a book called GOD’S SABBATH time of rest. You can read more about this book by clicking on its link